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Erfan Mohammadian

作者:   时间:2023-12-18   点击数:

Erfan Mohammadian, PhD                                  Erfan.723@gmail.com

Distinguished Professor                                          erfan.m@nepu.edu.cn

Department of Earth Sciences                                orchid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7362-5031

                                                                                    h-index: 15

Key Laboratory of Continental Shale Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Efficient Development,

Ministry of Education,

Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing  163318, China


Associate Professor

Department of petroleum and natural gas

Faculty of Engineering,

Cyprus International University (CIU)

Haspolat-lefkosa, North Nicosia, North Cyprus


Assistant Professor

Oil and gas Department,

Faculty of Chemical Engineering,

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)

Jalan ilmu, Sec 2, Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia


Research Assistant

Reservoir engineering Lab,

Faculty of petroleum and energy engineering

Areas of interest

Petroleum engineering: EOR, Reservoir engineering and production, Unconventional hydrocarbon resources

CO2 sequestration: CO2-EOR. Mineral carbonation    

Data science and machine learning: Applications in complex engineering problems

Unconventional Energy sources: Bio-fuels production from wastes

Educational Background:





Azad University of Omidiyeh, Iran

Petroleum Engineering



Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Petroleum Engineering



Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Petroleum Engineering



Professional Experience:




Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, China

Distinguished Prof.


Cyprus international   Universiti, Nicosia, Cyprus

Associate professor


Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Part-time researcher


Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah alam, Selangor

Assistant professor


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



National Iranian drilling Company




Books (chapters)

1.     Erfan Mohammadian et al,: CO2 - EOR / Sequestration: Current trends and future horizons (August 2019). Intech open.

Journal Papers

1.       A., Azdarpour,A. Santos,R M.,  Mohammadian, E. Hamidi,H. Mechanistic Investigation of LSW/Surfactant/Alkali Synergism for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Fluid–Fluid Interactions Esfandiarian, ACS Omega 2020 5 (46), 30059-30072 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c04464

2.       Sabet, M., Soleimani, H., Mohammadian, E. et al. Impact of inclusion of graphene oxide nanosheets on polypropylene thermal characteristics. Iran Polym J 29, 1099–1112 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13726-020-00864-y

3.       Hossein Hamidi, Amin Sharifi Haddad, Ephraim Wisdom Otumudia, Roozbeh Rafati, Mohammadian, E. Amin Azdarpour, William Giles Pilcher, Paul Wilhelm Fuehrmann, Leonel Ricardo Sosa, Nikola Cota, Diego Cruz García, Rahma M. Ibrahim, Mansur Damiev, Edo Tanujaya, Recent applications of ultrasonic waves in improved oil recovery: A review of techniques and results, Ultrasonics, Volume 110,2021, 106288, ISSN 0041-624X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultras.2020.106288.

4.       Sabet, M., Soleimani, H., Hosseini, S., & Mohammadian, E. (2020). Impact of graphene oxide on epoxy resin characteristics. High Performance Polymers. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954008320943929

5.       M. Sabet, H. Soleimani, E. Mohammadian, and S. Hosseini, "The Effect of Graphene Oxide on Flame Retardancy of Polypropylene and Polystyrene," Materials Performance and Characterization 9, no. 1 (2020):284-292.

6.       Zeng, Y., Kamarul Bahrim, R. Z., Groot, J. A. W. M., Vincent Bonnieu, S., Groenenboom, J., Mohd Shafian, S. R., … Biswal, S. L. (2020, August 1). Probing Methane Foam Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media: An Experimental and Numerical Case Study of Permeability-Dependent Rheology and Fluid Diversion at Field Scale. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/199898-PA

7.       Moradi, B., Ayoub, M., Bataee, M, Mohammadian, E. Calculation of temperature profile in
injection wells. J Petrol Explor Prod Technol (2019) doi:10.1007/s13202-019-00763-w.

8.       Karami, H., Papari-Zare, S., Shanbedi, M., Akbari, M., Mohammadian, E., Teng C.B (2019) The thermophysical properties and the stability of nanofluids containing carboxyl-functionalized graphene nano-platelets and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 108, 2019, 104302, ISSN 0735-1933, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2019.104302.

9.       Ahsaei, Z., Nabipour,M. Azdarpour,A., R. M. Santos, Mohammadian, E. Application of commercial zwitterionic surfactants and ionic liquids to reduce interfacial tension and alter wettability in a carbonate reservoir (2019). Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-12.

10.    Afkhami Karaei, M., Honarvar, B., Azdarpour, A., Mohammadian, E. “CO2 Storage in Low Permeable Carbonate Reservoirs: Permeability and Interfacial Tension (IFT) Changes During CO2 Injection in an Iranian Carbonate Reservoir”, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 64(4), pp. 491-504, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPch.14498

11.    Comparison between Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of Graphene Nanoplatelet- and Carbon Nanotube- Based Aqueous Nanofluids Amir Akbari, Mohammadian,E. Seyed Ali Alavi Fazel, Mehdi Shanbedi, Mahtab Bahreini, Milad Heidari, and Goodarz Ahmadi.ACS Omega 2019 4 (21), 19183-19192 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02474

12.    ). M Afkhami Karaei, B Honarvar, A Azdarpour, Mohammadian, M. On prediction of carbon dioxide solubility in aqueous systems of NaCl using LSSVM algorithm(2019Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-10.

13.    P. Babakhani Dehkordi, L.P.M. Colombo, E. Mohammadian, A. Shahrabadi, A. Azdarpour, A mechanistic model to predict pressure drop and holdup pertinent to horizontal gas-liquid-liquid intermittent flow, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 149, 2019,Pages 182-194, ISSN 0263-8762, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2019.07.009.

14.    Akbari, A., Mohammadian, E. et al (2019) Natural Convection from the Outside Surface of an Inclined Cylinder in Pure Liquids at Low Flux. ACS Omega, 2019, 4 (4), pp 7038–7046 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b00176.

15.    P. Babakhani Dehkordi, L.P.M. Colombo, E. Mohammadian, A. Azdarpour, G. Sotgia (2019). The influence of abruptly variable cross-section on oil core eccentricity and flow characteristics during viscous oil-water horizontal flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 105, Pages 261-277, ISSN 0894-1777,

16.    Dehkordi, P.B. Colombo, L.P.M, Mohammadian, E., Azdarpour, A., Sotgia, G. (2019). Viscous oil-water horizontal flow across irregular pipe configuration-Flow pattern, phase holdup and pressure drop. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.

17.    Sabet, M., Soleymani, H., Mohammadian, E. (2019). Effects of Graphene and Carbon Nanotube on LowDensity Polyethylene Nanocomposites. Journal of Vinyl and additive technology. Volume 25(1), pp. 35-40.

18.    Babakhani Dehkordi, P., L.P.M. Colombo, Mohammadian, E., D. Arnone, A. Azdarpour, G. Sotgia (2019). Study of viscous oil-water-gas slug flow in a horizontal pipe, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, ISSN 0920-4105.

19.    Sabet, M., Soleimani, H., Mohammadian, E. et al. (2019) Impact of inclusion graphene oxide nanosheets on polystyrene properties. Int J. Plast Technol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12588-019-09236-5

20.    Mohammadian E., Suriya, T., Mat Yussof, S (2018). Demulsification of Light Malaysian Crude Oil Emulsions using Electric Field Method. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b02216

21.    Babakhani, P. Mohammadian, E. Azdarpour, A. (2018) The hydrodynamic behavior of high viscous oil-water flow through horizontal pipe undergoing sudden expansion- CFD study and experimental validation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design.

22.    Sabet, M., Soleimani, H., Mohammadian, E. (2018). Effect of Graphene and Carbon Nanotube on Low-Density Polyethylene Nanocomposites. Journal of vinyl & additive technology.(accepted on Sep 2018)

23.    Sabet, M., Soleimani, H., Mohammadian, E. (2018).Thermal, electrical and characterization effects of graphene on the properties of low-density polyethylene composites. International Journal of plastics technology. Accepted on OCT 2018

24.    Qarizada, D, Mohammadian E. Bahari. Compression of bio oil fraction of empty fruit bunch (EFB) and palm kernel shell (PKS) by thermal distillation. International journal for innovative research in multidisciplinary field .Volume 4, Issue 4, Apr 2018.

25.    Qarizada, D, Mohammadian E. Bahari. (2018). Effect of temperature on “bio oil” fractions of palm kernel shell Thermal distillation. International Journal of Multidisciplinary research.ISBN:2455-0620.

26.    Qarizada, D, Mohammadian E. Bahari. Thermo Distillation and characterization of Bio oil from fast pyrolysis of Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB). Science Letters, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2017.

27.    Amin Azdarpour, Mohammad Afkhami Karaei, Hossein Hamidi, Mohammadian, E. Bizhan Honarvar, CO2 sequestration through direct aqueous mineral carbonation of red gypsum,Petroleum, Volume 4, Issue 4,2018, Pages 398-407, ISSN 2405-6561,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petlm.2017.10.002.

28.    Azdarpour. A., Mohammadian, E., Hamidi, H. (2017), CO2 sequestration using red gypsum via pH-swing process: Effect of carbonation temperature and NH4HCO3 on the process efficiency. International Journal of Mineral Processing. International Journal of Mineral Processing. VOL. 169, 10.12.17, pp 27-34.  

29.    Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, E. Azdarpour, A. sharifi, A. (2017), Effects of ultrasonic waves on carbon dioxide solubility in brine at different pressures and temperatures, Petroleum science. August 2017, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp 597–604 .

30.    Honarvar, B, Azdarpour, A., Karimi, M., Mohammadian, E (2017). Experimental Investigation of Interfacial Tension Measurement and Oil Recovery by Carbonated Water Injection: A Case Study Using Core Samples from an Iranian Carbonate Oil Reservoir. Energy Fuels, 2017, 31 (3), pp 2740–2748. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b03365.

31.    Hamidi, H., sharifi, A., Mohammadian, E (2016). Ultrasound-Assisted CO2 Flooding to Improve Oil Recovery. Ultrasonic sonochemistry.

32.    Mohammadian, E., Motamedi, S. Azdarpour, A., Junin, R., (2016), Application of extreme learning machine for prediction of aqueous solubility of carbon dioxide. Environmental earth science.

33.    Mohammadian, E., Hamidi, H. Azdarpour, A., Junin, R. (2015). Measurement of CO2 solubility in NaCl brine solutions at different temperatures and pressures using potentiometric titration method. Chemical engineering Data.  DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1895.0248. : 2.04

34.    Azdarpour, A., Asadullah, M., Junin, R., Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, E., Mohamad Daud, A. R., and Manan, M (2015). A Review on Carbon Dioxide Mineral Carbonation Through pH-swing Process. Chemical Engineering. Journal 05/2015; DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2015.05.064. : 4.32.

35.    Azdarpour, A., Asadullah, M., Junin, R., Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, E., Mohamad Daud, A. R., and Manan, M. (2015). Mineral Carbonation of Red Gypsum Via pH-swing Process: Effect of CO2 Pressure on the Efficiency and Products Characteristics. Chemical Engineering Journal. : 4.32.

36.    Azdarpour, A., Asadullah, M., Junin, R., Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, E. (2015) Extraction of calcium from red gypsum for calcium carbonate production. Fuel Processing Technology 130, 12-19.

37.    Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, E. Rafati, R. Azdarpour, A. and Inj, J. (2015). The Effect of Ultrasonic Waves on the Phase Behavior of a Surfactant-Brine-Oil System. Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 04/2015; 482. DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfa. 2015.04.009. : 2.35

38.    Parak, M.,  Mohammadian, E. junin, R. (2015). Micellization and Synergistic Effect in Aqueous Solution of AOS-TX100 Mixture: Before and After Equilibrium in the Presence of Clay. Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology. DOI:10.1080/10916466.2011.639320.  = 0.33.

39.    Azdarpour, A., Asadullah, M., Junin, R., Mohammadian, E., Hamidi, H., Mohamad Daud, A. R. and Manan, M (2015). Extraction of Calcium from Red Gypsum for Calcium Carbonate Production. Fuel Processing Technology 2014. 130: 12-19. : 3.016.

40.    Azdarpour, A., Asadullah, M., Junin, R., Mohammadian, E., Hamidi, H. (2014).Direct carbonation of red gypsum to produce solid carbonates. Fuel Processing Technology 126, 429-434.  : 3.02

41.    Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, M. (2014) A Technique for Evaluating the Oil/Heavy-Oil Viscosity Changes under Ultrasound in a Simulated Porous Medium. Journal of Ultrasonics. Ultrasonics 54 2014 pp. 655-662. :1.81

42.    Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, E., Azdarpour, A. (2014). Effects of ultrasonic waves on oil viscosity. Petroleum Science and Technology 32 (19), 2387-2395. : 0.33.

43.    Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, E., Azdarpour, A. Effect of Ultrasound Radiation Duration on Emulsification and Demulsification of Paraffin Oil and Surfactant Solution/Brine Using Hele-Shaw Models (2014). Ultrasonics sonochemistry 26, 428-436. : 3.078.

44.    Mohammadian, E., Rahmani, O., Junin, R. Effects of sonication radiation on oil recovery by ultrasonic waves stimulated water-flooding. Ultrasonics 53 (2), 607-614. :1.81.

45.    Mohammadian, E, Parak, M. Babakhani, P. Effects of Properties of Waves on Recovery of Ultrasonic Stimulated Waterflooding. Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology (2013). Petroleum Science and Technology 32 (8), 1000-1008. = 0.33

46.   Mohammadian,E. , Shirazi, A. Ahmad Kamal Idris. ”Improved Oil Recovery By application of Ultrasonic waves. Jurnal Teknologi 56, Science and Kej. Kularan khas 1, Dec 2011. PP: 123-138.

47.    The effect of graphene oxide on the mechanical, thermal characteristics and flame retardancy of polyurethane


1.     D. Qarizada, Mohammadian E. Thermo Distillation and Characterization of Bio Oil from Fast Pyrolysis of Palm Kernel Shell (PKS), Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 797, pp. 359-364, 2019.

2.     Maziyar Sabet, H. Soleimani, Mohammadian, E. S. Hosseini. Graphene Utilization for Water Desalination Process.  195-200

3.     Mohammadian, E. Hamidi, H., Azdarpor. Semi-empirical model to estimate the solubility of CO2 in NaCl brine in the condition representative of CO2 sequestration. 3rd.ICGSE 2017. Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2017).

4.     Mohammadian, E., Hassan, Z. and Junin, R. Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition (iidex2015), UiTM, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia (Poster presentation).

5.     Mohammadian, E. Hamidi, H., Azdarpor, A., Junin, R. Investigation of pH Impacts on Mineralization of CO2 in Conditions Representative of the Malay Basin. IEEE conference InCIEC 2014. Kota kinabalu, Malaysia 2014.

6.     Mohammadian, E. Hamidi, H., Azdarpor, A., Junin, R. Thermal Effects of Radiation of High Frequency Sound Waves on Recovery of Trapped Organic Oils. 2014 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2014) .

7.     Mohammadian, E. “CO2 Storage in Geological Formations: a Review of Mechanisms and Challenges”. 3rd International graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities, 2010.

8.     Mohammadian, E.  Mohamad Amin shirazi and Ahmad Kamal Idris.  “Enhancing Oil Recovery through Application of Ultrasonic-Assisted Waterflooding”. Asia and pacific oil and gas SPE conference 2011 Jakarta, Indonesia (2011). SPE number: SPE-145014.

9.     Mohammadian, E. Hossein Hamidi and Amin Azdarpour. “Formation of Carbonates and PH Variations in Conditions Representative of Deep Saline Aquifers”. IEEE International Conference on Clean Energy & Technologies, Lankawi, Malaysia, 2013.

10. Mohammadian, E. A study on high frequency waves stimulation as an EOR method”. First conference of technology in gas, oil and petro-chemistry. Ahwaz, Iran. May 2011 (in Farsi).

11. Hamidi, H., Mohammadian, E. “A Role of Ultrasonic Waves on Oil Viscosity Changes in Porous Media”. IEEE International Conference on Clean Energy & Technologies, Lankawi, Malaysia, 2013

12. Azdarpour, A., Rahmani,O. Mohammadian, E. “The effects of polymer and surfactant on polymer enhanced foam stability. IEEE, Lankgawi, Malaysia. 2013.

13. Azdarpour, A., Mohammadian, E. “Polymer Enhanced CO2 Foam Stability in the Presence of Crude oil”. 3rd International graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities, 2010.

14. Parak, P., Mohammadian, E. “Challenges Associated with Application of WAG: a Review of Field Utilizations”. 3rd International graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities, 2010.

15. Ahrami, Y., Mohammadian, E. “An investigation on the factors affecting the leakage of oil wastes buried in salt domes”. 4th HSE conference, National oil company of Iran.(in farsi), 2011.

16. Azdarpour, A., Rahmani,O. Mohammadian, E.. “Red Gypsum Carbonation through Chemically Enhanced Carbonation Process”. 2013 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications.

17. Azdarpour, , Hamidi, H., A., Rahmani,O. Mohammadian, E.. “Calcium Carbonate Production through Direct Mineral Carbon Dioxide Sequestration.IEEE”. The 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Material, Melaka, Malaysia, 2013.


·         Highest Published Researcher, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, UiTM (Shah Alam), (2019)

·         Best student awards (Master of petroleum engineering), UTM, JB (2011)

·         Best paper award: conference of technology in oil, gas and petro-chemistry. Ahwaz, Iran (2011)


Programming Skills:

·       Python

·       MATLAB

Data Analyzing Software

·       SPSS 18.

Familiarity with Petroleum Software Tools:

·       Eclipse, MBAL, Prosper


Solar energy: integration of photovoltaic systems in microgrids

By: University of Delft (2018)

Python for data scientists

By: Data Camp

The Multiphase Flow Behavior of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

By: Prof. Stephen Matthai of Leoben University, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia (2011).

Safety & health officer (SHO)/ occupational safety and health (OSHA)

By:  A.B Bakri. University Technology Malaysia (UTM). JB Malaysia (2011).

MATLAB Programming in Computational Mathematics.

By: C.R.Che. University technology Malaysia (UTM). JB, Malaysia (2010).

C# object-oriented programming

By: C.R.Che. University Technology Malaysia (UTM), JB,Malaysia (2010).

An introduction on Pansys (well testing software)

Azad University of Omidiyeh (IAUO). Omidiyeh, Iran (2008).

Reservoir Simulation using Eclipse 300

1st conference of technology in oil, gas and petro-chemistry. Ahwaz, Iran (2011).


Editor:  Petroleum Science and Engineering, Science PG group

Editor: Journal of Science letters, Faculty of applied science, UiTM, Malaysia.

Member of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

Member of Energy Institute (EI).


Google Scholar. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gEcoA8MAAAAJ&hl=en

Web of Science ResearcherID: N-6519-2018

ISI: https://app.webofknowledge.com/author/record/2071753

PUBLON: https://publons.com/researcher/1494222/erfan-mohammadian/

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Erfan-Mohammadian/research



Fluent (written and spoken):

·         A Number of certificates in English : IELTS Bandwith 8.5. (11.1.2020)


·         Mother language



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